Category Archives: Thoughts


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The Cardiocam, which was unveiled this year by researchers in the Harvard-M.I.T. division of health sciences and technology, measures a subject’s heart rate by sensing subtle shifts in facial coloring caused by the variation in blood flow. Sorta looks like a cross between a Kayne poster and Drake’s Thank Me Later album cover.  I hope it helps scientists find a more visual way to monitor vital signs.

Lone Ranger?

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A way to increase advertising revenues or a fleeting atempt to “alleviate the frustration of trying to watch a game while standing in the back row”? – Yahoo! Sports columnist Kelly Dwyer

I can’t imagine watching a game from the back row is any better with the distraction of a bridge… when revenue outweighs viewer experience the game suffers.

Netflix Launches Streaming Only Services

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Netflix launched a streaming-only video subscription service and has raised the price of its combined unlimited streaming and rent-by-mail service by $1.  They cited that subscribers were watching more content streamed over the Internet than on DVDs delivered by mail. I’ve gotta admit with the insurgence of GoogleTV and the amount of XBOX and Wii users, Netflix will most likely end up dropping the rent-by-mail service for the higher-margin streaming service.


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Great documentary done by R+1 Creative, a higher standard brand shop, that explores what it means to be an influencer and how trends and creativity become contagious today in music, fashion and entertainment. Having the balls to stick with an idea that’s out there, putting your nose to the grindstone and seeing your idea adopted by culture is an amazing thing. How ideas are born, how they develop and how they die are extremely interesting to me and I’m a huge fan of this entire project.

Common Thread

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Pretty surreal… I bumped into Common at Minetta Tavern in NYC – we got to talking about his music video, GO. He told me he, Kanye, and John Mayer were inspired to create the video after seeing the movie Ray w/ Jamie Foxx. I’ve always been a fan of Lonnie Lynn and deemed him instrumental to the Resurrection of creative hip hop.

Pepsi Max Diner 2PointZero

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Love this sequel spot @TBWA created for the classic @Pepsi Diner BBDO commercial that aired back in 1995. Takes me right back to the 6th grade, enamored by the humor, roughhousing, and the age old question… #Pepsi or #Coke? Like with a movie, doing an ad that lives up to the first is tough – I have a feeling this has @schwartzie14’s name all over it. Great job!